Art of Color


Art of Color




Cosmetics and Beauty Products



1140x763 1140x763 1140x763
Client Description
The need to create a company with a different business culture gave birth to THE ARTOFCOLOUR. The company was founded in 1994 by Thanasis Raptis and since then has been offering its expertise in the field of professional hair products. THE ARTOFCOLOUR counts 29 successful years of innovation and development, supplying salons with safe cosmetic products.
Project Goals
Transition from the Magento platform to WordPress. Creation of a pricing system with different prices for wholesale and retail customers. Promotion of the company's educational material.
Project Description
We undertook the transition of an old Magento eshop to a modern WordPress platform, aiming to improve user experience and facilitate the purchasing process. We created a flexible pricing system that offers different prices for wholesale and retail customers while ensuring the smooth operation of the website. Additionally, we placed special emphasis on showcasing the company's educational content, whether it comes from organized seminars or blog articles, thus enhancing the value and traffic of the website.
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