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Ethnikis Antistasis 18. Corfu, 49132.
+30 26610 20604.

Front End Web Developer

Job Description
We are seeking a Front End Web Developer who will design and develop website projects as well as support current websites by providing technical support and maintenance. The ideal candidate should have a thorough understanding of the WordPress development environment, standards and best practices, as well as proficiency in HTML5, CSS3, JQuery/Javascript.
  • Strong understanding of WordPress, JavaScript, HTML5, PHP, and CSS3
  • Experience building e-commerce based websites using WooCommerce
  • Ability to incorporate HTML and CSS into WordPress themes and templates
  • Work and communicate with our team and client to ensure client objectives and specifications are being met
  • A relaxed working atmosphere
  • Flexible working schemes
  • The opportunity to work on innovative projects
  • Continuous training
  • Free tickets to seminars
  • Possible trips around Greece or Europe
  • Free coffee!

Coding Challenge!
We have created a handy form in order to make it easier for you to apply. Even though we tried to do our best some things seem to be a little off.

Can you find the 3 coding errors in the following application form? Use this textarea box to indicate the 3 errors and give us a hand!

Application Form
If this position sounds interesting to you we will be happy to receive a job application!

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